EDASC’s annual Economic Forecast Night features IEDC president
30 Jan 2024
Economy, Economic Development, EDASC
The Economic Development Alliance of Skagit County’s annual Economic Forecast Night is taking place Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Swinomish Casino & Lodge in Anacortes. Presented by Banner Bank, the event brings together more than 350 business leaders, elected officials and community representatives to look at economic and business trends shaping Skagit County and beyond.
This year's Economic Forecast Night is a unique opportunity to connect the dots between the economy and economic development while hearing from three noted speakers.
The evening’s keynote presenter is Nathan Ohle, president and CEO of the International Economic Development Council. The evening will also feature two noted economists, Anneliese Vance-Sherman, chief labor economist for the State of Washington’s Employment Security Department, and Vange Ocasio Hochheimer, professor of economics and finance at Whitworth University.
"In my nine years at EDASC, economic development has never been the topic at Economic Forecast Night,” EDASC CEO John Sternlicht said. “I think this year's presentations will give those in attendance a greater understanding of how economic development is playing a role in our regional and state economy."
Ohle, an internationally recognized expert in rural economic development, served as the senior advisor at the U.S. Economic Development Administration. He also was the lead for the U.S. Department of Commerce on the White House Rural Council and the administration-wide Community Solutions team, leading initiatives across the Department of Commerce. Before joining IEDC, Ohle was the CEO of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, a national network of non-profit partners working to build capacity in rural and tribal communities across the country.
EDASC CEO John Sternlicht will also present a year in review of the organization’s economic development efforts.
The event begins at 5 p.m. Individual tickets are $125 each. Click here for more details and to register.