Finance: Expanding for bigger projects
Julia Krivoruk
Online Meeting (Live)
Accounting/Budget, Credit Counseling, Government Industrial Base (GIB) Readiness, Public Works
This workshop is a part of our workshop series "Preparing for Public Projects w/The Interstate Bridge" and will focus on all things you need to know about preparing for and receiving financing for your business in preparation for government contracting.
Join the discussion panel representing a variety in financial institutions, including:
Craft 3
Banner Bank
Columbia Credit Union
You will learn:
- What types of capital access are available
- Credit worthiness for financing (Loan Readiness & Requirements)
You will have an opportunity for:
- Breakout sessions with each lender
- Q&A's to the most commonly asked questions about business financing
This will be an online 1 hour presentation with 30 minutes available for Q&A
Primary Presenters:
Marc Timm, Columbia Credit Union
Steven Phan, Craft3
Ajnesh Prasa, Banner Bank
Brought to you by: Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC) and WA APEX Accelerator Advising
A zoom link will be sent to upon registration.